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Alec Harris: The Full Story of His Remarkable Physical Mediumship

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Book Overview by SteveFreier

- There are many skeptics today who feel that physical mediumship is fake. I can understand that attitude simply because the ability to produce such phenomena is extremely rare indeed. If you don't know, physical mediumship encompasses the ability of the medium to become a facilitator of manifestations of deceased individuals, under controlled conditions, to manifest in 3D in such a way that the observers cannot only see them and carry on a conversation, but also be able to touch them as well. Their bodies are built up from ectoplasm from behind a curtain and they are then either partially or fully materialized depending on the amount of energy in the room, partly supplied by the sitters.

After reading this book you will have experienced enough phenomena via the accounts of Louie Harris to hopefully be at least open to the idea that there just may be a few sincere and gifted individuals on Earth who actually have the ability to perform as a physical medium. Granted, even if you are knowledgeable about the phenomena, you probably also know that talented physical mediums are few and far between, but the ones who are, are beacons of light to the rest of us. Alec Harris was one such individual.

As the result of a very fortuitous set of circumstances, this more recent account of the story of the life of Alec Harris written by his loving and supportive wife, Louie Harris sees the light of day as of 2015, 35 years after the first abbreviated version of the book, under the title ‘They Walked Among Us’, was first published in 1980. The full version had languished in yellowing manuscript pages from the day it was written. It is clear, based on the evidence presented in this book, that Alec Harris belongs in the very front ranks of physical mediums.

In the beginning, when Alec first became aware that he had mediumship inclinations, he resisted developing his abilities further. In fact, as a young man he was extremely skeptical of all things psychic, yet he became one of the world's most brilliant materialization mediums. And if it weren't for the constant pushing, prodding and support of his wife, Louie, it never would have happened. Why? Because in order for Alec's mediumship to develop, it required the regular discipline of weekly séance sessions with the support of a small regular committed group of like-minded individuals. And to make the process even more difficult, these sessions were scheduled in the evenings after Alec had labored for a long 12 hour day. And, it must be stated that for true mediumistic phenomena to occur, Alec would have to be in what is known as a “deep trance” state. In other words, he would not be conscious of what was going on. Fortunately for Alec and Louie, they attracted committed and protective Spirit Guides who ran the show from the Other Side. The main controlling guide was an Indian named White Wing. He was in charge of all the circle's Spirit Workers. I don't know why it is, but I have read about a few other British mediums who have also worked with American Indian guides for some reason. Perhaps they are more spiritually advanced than the rest of humanity! There are many wonderful accounts of families reunited across the veil of death with old friends, even conversing in foreign languages unknown to Alec including some ancient languages.

Here's an excerpt from the preface of the book by Eric Hatton, a former president of the Spiritualists National Union. "At a house in Manor Way, Cardiff, we were privileged to be part of the portrayal of eternal life, through the mediumship of Alec Harris. This humble man who had no academic background, and whose sole purpose was to serve others, allowed himself at great personal sacrifice to be used for physical phenomena which equated to any recorded in biblical times. It was absolutely mind-blowing to witness, after the state of trance was entered, many aspects of physical mediumship were portrayed. Amongst these was the manifestation in red light of one spirit guide after another, in ectoplasmic form, which upon inspection were as tangible and solid as we who were present. Not only were there guides, but also spirit friends who embraced loved ones in the room. To witness such touching moments was the greatest of privileges. As the séance drew towards a conclusion, to see spirit friends walk amongst us, with Alec Harris clearly visible in the cabinet, almost defied belief. Yet it was so."

Imagine meeting a loved one again or someone who you thought was dead and long buried forever. To be able to touch their hand, to feel their embrace, to hear their words and most importantly to see their happy and smiling faces. This book tells us how this happened many hundreds of times for those attending the materialization circles of Alec and Louie Harris. This is an absolutely amazing book about one of the greatest materialization mediums ever. If you are looking for evidence of survival after death, then this is a must-read! I highly recommend it! Available on Amazon.

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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